Thursday, April 28, 2011

Colic Calm Review

It always gets easier with the second child! With my first, I had to learn things the hard way, through trial and error, and that was hard. Now, second time around, I know what to expect and I know what to do. That was the case with colic pains. My newborn is now two months old, the age when colic starts, and they cry constantly, keeping you awake at night. It is so hard to see them suffer... But now, I know what to do! Colic Calm helped my first born when nothing else worked. I tried herbal teas (chamomile and caraway), gripe water, and others. Nothing helped. Back then, Colic Calm was sold only online, but now, it can be found at CVS Pharmacy stores. This time I got two bottles for my baby,and I am getting one for my little nephew who was just born less than a week ago. IT REALLY WORKS!!! Give it a try. It could mean finally sleeping through the night.
One piece of warning: It contains charcoal, which means it could stain if you are not careful. Baby's stool will also turn a little black :). Other than that great product. I LOVE IT!

You can buy online here, or at CVS stores.

Here's an excerpt from their website:
"Colic Calm
Our breakthrough formula contains nine carefully selected, side-effect-free homeopathic remedies
Colic Calm works instantly! It need only be given once symptoms of infant discomfort become evident. There is no regular dosing required, and unlike other formulas, there is certainly no waiting around impatiently hoping for relief to set in.
It's no wonder our product comes so highly recommended by pediatricians, doulas, midwives and pharmacists. Parents and babies everywhere can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Our all natural, allergen-free formula has proven time and time again the absolute best solution...even in the toughest cases. Indeed, our gentle formula provides the safest and most effective relief of colic and gas pain available anywhere...and babies just happen to love the taste!

Good day . . . Good night . . . Guaranteed!

* This review is my opinion, it is not a paid post.